Docker container clusters
docker swarm init
Lots of PKI and security automation
Root signing certificate create for our Swarm
Certificate is issued for first Manager node
Join tokens are created
Raft database create to store root CA, configs and secrets
Encrypted by default on disk
No need for another key / value system to hold orchestration / secrets
Replicates logs amongst Managers via mutual TLS in "control plane"
docker swarm join-token manager
scaling up to multiple containers:
docker service update --replicas <#>
Swarm Stacks: Production grade compose
IN Docker 1.13 Docker adds a new layer of abstraction to Swarm called Stacks
Stacks accept Compose files as their declarative definition for services, networks and volumes.
We use '
docker stack deploy
' rather than docker stack createStacks manages all those objects for us, including overlay network per stack. Adds stack name to start of their name.
New '
:' key in Compose file, does not support 'build
:'Compose now ignores '
:'; Swarm ignores 'build
CLI is not needed on Swarm server
docker stack deploy -c my-stack.yml demoapp
docker stack services demoapp
Swarm Secrets Storage
Easiest "secure" solution for storing secrets in Swarm
Supports generic strings or binary content up to 500Kb in size
Doesn't require apps to be rewritten
As of Docker 1.13 Swarm Raft DB is encrypted on disk
Only stored on disk on manager nodes
Default is Managers and Workers "control plane" is TLS + Mutual Auth
Secrets are first stored in Swarm then assigned to a Service
Only containers in assigned Services can see them
They look like files in container but are actually in-memory file system
Local docker-compose can use file-based secrets, but not secure
Option 1 - create from file
docker secret create psql_user psql_user.txt
Option 2 - Create from STDIN
echo "MyDbPassWORD" | docker secret create psql_user -
// Enable secret in the service
docker service create --name psql --secret psql_user --secret psql_pass -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/psql_pass -e POSTGRES_USER_FILE=/run/secrets/psql_user postgres
With compose 3.1 secrets are supported inside Compose files
Last updated
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