YAML 101

Key/value pairs

  • YAML document consists of key/value pairs

  • Key/value pairs are separated by colon followed by space

  • Supports different data types

    • Integers

    • Floating-point numbers

    • Strings, enclosed with quotes if they have special symbols

    • Boolean

    • Binary

    • Dates, in ISO:8601 format

    • Null value

Name: Dave
Age: 25
GPA: 4.2
Occupation: Engineer
State: 'New Jersey'
About: "I'm a software engineer"
Score: null
Male: true
DateOfBirth: 1990-09-15T19:07:00


  • YAML lists are indented with a dash

  • All items are on the same level

  • There are 2 types of writing arrays:

    • Block sequence - each entry indicated with a dash followed by a space

    • Flow sequence - all elements are on the same line, separated with commas and enclosed by [].

  - John
  - Mike
  - Tom
  - Jake

PeopleFlow: [John, Mike, Tom, Jake]


  • A set of properties grouped under an item

  • Dictionaries contain key/value pairs

  Age: 25
  GPA: 4.2
  Occupation: Engineer
  State: 'New Jersey'
  About: "I'm a software engineer"
  Score: null
  Male: true
  DateOfBirth: 1990-09-15T19:07:00

Lists with Dictionaries

  - Dave:
      Age: 24
      Occupation: Engineer
      State: CA
  - Mike:
      Age: 30
      Occupation: Manager
      State: TX
  - John:
      Age: 40
      Occupation: Designer
      State: WA

Lists with Dictionaries containing Lists

  - Dave:
      Age: 24
      Occupation: Engineer
      State: CA
      	- Bachelor
      	- Masters
      	- PHD
  - Mike:
      Age: 30
      Occupation: Manager
      State: TX
      Degrees: [Bachelor, Masters]
  - John:
      Age: 40
      Occupation: Designer
      State: WA
      	- Masters


  • Pipe notation is also referred as literal block

  • All new lines, indentation, extra spaces are preserved

  Name: My resource
  Description: |
    This is a description,
    with new lines and | special symbols
  Prop: value

Greater than

  • Also referred as folded block

  • Renders the text as a single line

  • All new lines will be replaced with a single space

  • Blank lines are converted to a new line character

  Name: My resource
  Description: >
    This is a description,
    with new lines and | special symbols

    Will render everything as a single line
  Prop: value


  • Comments are defined with '#' symbol

# resource definition
  Name: My resource

Anchor / merge

  • Allows to define and reference blocks

  • CloudFormation has very limited support for anchors

MyAnchor: &a
  Prop1: value1
  Prop2: value2

  <<: *a
  Prop3: value3

Last updated