YAML 101
Key/value pairs
YAML document consists of key/value pairs
Key/value pairs are separated by colon followed by space
Supports different data types
Floating-point numbers
Strings, enclosed with quotes if they have special symbols
Dates, in ISO:8601 format
Null value
YAML lists are indented with a dash
All items are on the same level
There are 2 types of writing arrays:
Block sequence - each entry indicated with a dash followed by a space
Flow sequence - all elements are on the same line, separated with commas and enclosed by [].
A set of properties grouped under an item
Dictionaries contain key/value pairs
Lists with Dictionaries
Lists with Dictionaries containing Lists
Pipe notation is also referred as literal block
All new lines, indentation, extra spaces are preserved
Greater than
Also referred as folded block
Renders the text as a single line
All new lines will be replaced with a single space
Blank lines are converted to a new line character
Comments are defined with '#' symbol
Anchor / merge
Allows to define and reference blocks
CloudFormation has very limited support for anchors
Last updated
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